What’s round, flat, colorful, and bright? Anything acrylic! On this segment of Inside the Blueprint, we’re entering the world of ACRYLITE® in Sanford, Maine.
From shelving, office dividers, and light fixtures, to dry erase boards and digital photography panels, the company specializes in light-transmitting plastic as a brilliant design element in everyday office spaces. With 10 times the break strength of glass but only half the weight, acrylic sheets are known for their high clarity and durability. Worried about yellowing? Don’t. ACRYLITE® ensures that their sheets never yellow in the form of a 30-year warranty.
So what can you do with it? Almost anything. ACRYLITE® suggests using it inside a space—namely an office—to add texture, color, and light. The best part is that your space will always look as beautiful as the day your product arrived.