The innovation behind Xypex Chemical Corporation’s crystalline waterproofing technology for concrete will be featured in the June 19 episode of Inside the Blueprint, an award-winning television series that chronicles ideas and products that impact our lives.

The episode describes how Xypex’s proprietary crystalline waterproofing technology works deep inside the concrete mass to create a permanent waterproof structure that resists extreme hydrostatic pressure and self-heals cracks that can form. The program explains that concrete is unrivaled as a building material. It is used in millions of building projects around the world. And while concrete is durable, it can deteriorate in harsh environmental conditions, causing large expenditures on remediation or replacement construction. Enter Xypex, a Vancouver-based company that developed a proprietary crystalline waterproofing technology in 1969. Proven over decades of use in all types of structures under the most challenging environmental conditions, Xypex was recently certified as the first and only admixture for waterproofing concrete in the EU.